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UFO Sighting Report – St. Charles – July 9, 2019

UFO Sighting Report – St. Charles – July 9, 2019

Last updated on July 7, 2024

A floating ball of light up in the sky moving at odd directions - this is a common type of sighting.

Name: Chris Golie


Location of Sighting: St. Charles

Date of Sighting: July 9, 2019

Time of Day: Approximately 12:26 AM

How many UFOs were visible? 1

How far away were the UFOs? Not good at estimating so won’t really, but was very high up then got low quickly.

Extended Description:

We saw a floating ball of light very high up in the sky which descended quickly. As time went on (5 minutes or so) it gradually got brighter and eventually very bright. This light was moving, not in any particular pattern but randomly and then in one direction. There was also two planes, which did not look commercial, that turned around and headed towards the direction of the light. They headed back to where they came from 20 or so minutes after.

UFO Sighting Report – St. Charles – July 9, 2019

No additional information provided.

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