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The TR3B Astra: Is the Triangle UFO an Alien Spaceship or a Secret Military Aircraft?

The TR3B Astra: Is the Triangle UFO an Alien Spaceship or a Secret Military Aircraft?

Last updated on July 7, 2024

The triangular craft is one of the most common UFO shapes. Some believe it's an alien spacecraft or a super-secret

The Mysterious Triangle UFO

With the exception of the flying disc, the triangular-shaped craft is one of the most common UFO shapes seen in the sky. Some believe it’s an alien spacecraft or a super-secret US Military plane known as the TR3B Astra, TR-3 Black Manta, TR 3B Astra, or just TR3B for short.

The triangular-shaped craft is undoubtedly one of the most intriguing and mysterious UFO shapes that have been spotted in the sky. While sightings of these crafts have been reported for decades, they continue to fascinate and intrigue both believers and skeptics alike. The triangular shape of these crafts is often associated with extraterrestrial activity, leading many people to believe that they are the product of alien technology. However, some experts argue that the triangular craft could be the result of advanced military technology.

One such example is the TR3B Astra, an alleged super-secret US Military plane that is said to be capable of vertical takeoff and landing, as well as supersonic speeds. This aircraft is rumored to have been in development for decades, with some reports suggesting that it has been operational since the 1990s.

Despite the secrecy surrounding the TR3B Astra, some details about its capabilities have been leaked over the years. It is said to be a triangular-shaped aircraft that uses a system known as mercury plasma to achieve propulsion. This technology allows the craft to fly silently and reach incredible speeds without the need for traditional jet engines.

Some reports suggest that the TR3B Astra is also equipped with advanced stealth technology, making it nearly invisible to radar and other detection systems.

While the existence of the TR3B Astra has not been confirmed by the US military, many UFO enthusiasts believe that the craft is real and that it has been responsible for many of the triangular UFO sightings reported around the world. However, skeptics argue that these sightings are likely the result of misidentified aircraft or natural phenomena, rather than evidence of extraterrestrial or secret military technology.

The triangle UFO gained mainstream headlines in 1989. That year, a wave of sightings over Belgium began that lasted until 1992. The sightings included dozens of credible witnesses including law enforcement personnel.

Mainstream news outlets covered the story, which is odd even today. Even primetime documentary shows such as Unsolved Mysteries got in on the action.

The Belgian UFO Wave wasn’t the end of the triangle UFO. It seemed that the triangle TR3B was showing up everywhere. It appeared during the Phoenix Lights incident in 1997 and in various other sightings on record from 2000 through 2018.

Is the Triangle UFO TR3B an Alien Spaceship?

If you’ve read any of my articles before, you already kinda know my answer to this one. We simply don’t know.

What we do know is these sightings have ranged all over Europe and the USA for over 30 years.

The range and timelines of these sightings provide some important distinctions. It’s fair to say these sightings may be of different objects and the entire thing is unlikely to be some massive hoax.

While a sighting here and there might be able to be proven fake, there are some that can’t be simply dismissed.

That being said, conclusive evidence the triangle UFOs are manufactured and controlled by aliens isn’t available either.

TR-3B Military Aircraft: A Plane that Officially Doesn’t Exist

The link between UFO sightings and top-secret military aircraft goes hand in hand. The triangle UFOs may actually be a surveillance aircraft built by the US military called the TR-3 Black Manta, or TR-3B for short (also knows as the TR3B Astra).

Officially, the TR-3B doesn’t exist. What’s interesting though, is there’s actually a 2004 patent for a triangular spacecraft. The image from the patent application looks almost exactly like photos taken of the TR3B spacecraft by sighting witnesses. You can view that actual patent application below:

It’s important to note the fact that a patent has been filed for a particular aircraft design does not necessarily mean that the aircraft has been built or flown. It is also worth noting that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) grants patents for a wide range of inventions, including many that aren’t practical or feasible.

Sources claim the TR-3 Blank Manta is a nuclear-powered plane developed under the Aurora program. The name is pretty darn cool too.

The plane makes use of stealth and propulsion technology that can be traced back to the 1980’s. These technologies, however, weren’t made public knowledge.

Allegedly, the craft employs a propulsion system based on a fast-spinning mercury-based plasma. While some call it anti-gravity, it sounds more like the way modern gyroscopes can offset weight by maintaining a large angular momentum.

Final Thoughts on the TR3B Astra

In the field of UFOlogy, experimental military aircraft may be mistaken for unidentified flying objects by the general public. The alleged TR3B Astra could potentially be a case in point.

It’s impossible, however, to claim that all sightings of triangular UFOs going back to the 1980’s can be attributed to a single secret aircraft. Is it possible that counterparts in Europe may have been working on the same technology as the US? That would certainly explain the Belgian Wave of sightings that started it all.

But the scariest possibility isn’t aliens. It’s that our enemies may have leapfrogged us in technology and now fly over our skies uninhibited.

Fighter Jet
Photo by Cédric Dhaenens on Unsplash

We must also consider that, perhaps, there may also be an extraterrestrial component. Even if the TR-3B is man-made, there are allegations that it contains reverse-engineered alien technology.

Such is the case with top-secret black budget projects. The secrecy surrounding the TR3B creates a flash pan for conspiracy theorists. It also happens to be the military’s best weapon for keeping them secret.

Sightings of the TR3B continue to this very day, and there’s no sign of it going away anytime in the near future.


Sources and additional reading: TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts

CNN’s iReport: TR3B Or The USAs Most Secret Plane

Wikipedia: Black Triangle (UFO)

Google Patent Search: Triangular Spacecraft

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31 thoughts on “The TR3B Astra: Is the Triangle UFO an Alien Spaceship or a Secret Military Aircraft?”

  1. I seen a triangle UFO in Arkansas in Aug. if 2013, it was about twelve at night and it was hovering next to a water tower inside a fence, me and my girlfriend drove up on it in the middle of nowhere, it was black, three lights on each corner, completely silent, black, about nine foot thick, and sat there for about fifteen seconds, we were about thirty yards from it, it shot up into the sky in just a second and was like a star in the night sky, when it flew off it was like it left a vapor trail, kinda like waving your finger in front of your face real fast, like a video game, we just were in awe of it never even thought to get my camera out,

  2. I saw the triangle craft January 28, 2022, around 6 pm in Lincoln, NE. I was walking my dog near General Dynamics. It came over very slowly. Stopped above me and sat there a minute or two. It was dark gray with 3 lights, each one protruding from the corners. It made a sharp 90 degree turn, skirted the building tops and disappeared into strange low-lying clouds at the end of Industrial Way. My own conclusion is it came from Offutt AFB over farm fields, skirting inhabited areas. I believe it is our TR3B. I am not a UFO fan, but am now a believer.

  3. I’ve seen these. Except the thing on the bottom extended out instead of indenting in & had a grid of white lights that would flash a Morse code type pattern. It could also rotate to have any point facing the direction it was flying in.

  4. Saw one fly over the m6 in the mid 90s. 3 red lights in each corner and a brilliant white light in the centre. No sound. I got out of my truck and run up the embankment and watched it go accross a field

    1. Ok, I’m looking to gather reports of the triangle UFOs cuz they’re all so similar and it would be cool to map them all out and look for clues. I have a report form on the site if you’re interested.

    2. Alien UFO Blog I seen one fly rite over us on the Navajo reservation back in the late 80s I was about 15/16 years old at the time it was close enough to where the Windows were shaking I. Was outside and my hair started blowing around,it was huge !

      1. I witnessed a triangular space craft in November of 1986 hovering above the Port of Stockton in California near Rough and Ready Island, close to the Naval Communication Station. The California Highway Patrol reported to the Stockton Record that they received so many 911 calls that the emergency system crashed. The newspaper said more than 100,000 calls were reported that evening. The craft, less than 150 feet off of the ground; hovered for about three minutes and shined an extremely bright searchlight around the buildings and warehouses on the west side of interstate 5, above the Duraflame plant.
        It was the first time I had ever seen anything like that, even though I had been an Airman in the US Navy and grew up on Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. The Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville certainly didn’t have a craft like that, I spent a lot of time there as a child,so I know they don’t have any thing like it. The craft I saw was about 150 feet from corner to corner and was about as tall as a two story house.
        The space craft departed Earth’s atmosphere in two motions. The triangular, dark metallic ship went from about 150 feet away to about 5,000 feet up in only one second. In the following second the ship completely disappeared into the sky. I have never felt anything like the feeling I had when I saw that space ship; it was extremely powerful.
        The newspaper said that the US Navy reported it to be a misfired Trident missile off the coast of San Diego. BS! San Diego is over 450 miles away from where I my roommate and I witnessed this craft hovering. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool a true witness.
        The next couple of UFOS that I saw, I got on video. Want to see it? I have multiple copies of it.

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